Saturday, March 26, 2011

Rowan the Wonder Boy

Hi. Have you seen my boy Rowan?  I can't help but adore him.  I think he's Rowan the Wonder Boy because he's SO good. He only wakes once at night (and sometimes he sleeps the whole night through like last night!), he smiles and coos all the time (even in his sleep), he usually only cries if he's hungry or sleepy, and he's just a generally happy kid.  I couldn't ask for a better 2nd kid.  I think God knew we already had alot going on when he decided to send us this little boy.

Lately I've been thinking TONS about his upcoming surgery.  Until this week I've blocked it out of my mind.  In my head I figured I'd been through 2 surgeries before with Rylie, I know how to handle the feeling of handing your baby over to the nurse and trusting that they'll bring them back a little bruised and broken but generally ok.  Well this week our little friend Patrick had surgery.  He had the same surgery, at the same hospital that Rowan will have in less than a month.  I've been forced to face the fact that even if I don't want to think about it, my boy will have major surgery. Stitches I can see (from ear to ear), a fair amount of swelling and probably visible blood (when they take the bandages off).  Far from the slightly swollen and red eyes we had with Rylie.

I faced it, worried about it, cried about it and after all that I'm realizing that I WILL be ok.  HE will be ok.  Patrick is recovering so wonderfully I can't help but to be encouraged that Rowan will do the same.  I feel very blessed that I have a friend like Karen that will give me the low down on things to bring to the hospital, things to be aware of and just the reassurance that we will all be just fine.  Until then I'm going to hold my baby tighter, gaze into his pretty blue eyes and kiss his sweet velvety head as much as possible.


  1. OH APRIL! I just got all choked up reading your post... Don't know what your sweetheart is having surgery for, but I will be praying for him nonstop! Your little ones are so beautiful and precious - and so blessed to have a devoted, wonderful mommy like you. There's never any doubting your love from your posts and pictures.

    Praying and Believing! Megon

  2. April,
    I'm so proud of are an awesome mommy...strong, dedicated, loving, attentive...I could go on and on...:) God will give you strength and be with our precious Rowan...He is faithful! Love you! Mama

  3. April,
    (this is your Aunt Amy)
    This is so beautiful. God is shinning through you!
    I love the words from the song How Firm A Foundation...Fear not, I am with you...(Isa 41:10) This song is so beautiful. God is faithful and He will give you the strength you need, today and tomorrow when you need it. You have been on my heart and in my prayers so much lately. I love you and have been so blessed by reading this beautiful blog!

  4. Sweet boy! He will do great and that is such a blessing that your friend is leading the way with going through the same exact thing and all is well. God knew exactly how to give you faith that it will all work out according to his plan :) Love you!

  5. What a precious little babe - that first and last photo is especially sweet, looks like he's already full of personality! But they're all cute photos! I'm sure you're ready to have this surgery over and done with so you can just get past it. Stay strong!
