Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It's My Birthday =)

Hi! Today I'm 30 years old. I know to some that may seem young, and to some it may seem old. To me it seems old. I did SO many things in my 20's. I met and married my best friend. I bought a home with that husband. I had one little girl and then a boy 2 year later.  I feel like I've lived a lifetime in the span of 10 years.  I guess, to me, 30 just means that I'm really really an adult now. Just don't tell me I have to act like one.

I seem to have lost my blogging mojo in the past week.  I'm caught up trying to get ready for Rowan's surgery next week, enjoy my birthday and spend as much quality time with my two darlings as I can.  I'm generally optimistic about Rowan's surgery because I know he'll be fine, but I do have moments of total panic where I just want to hold him tight, kiss his soft warm velvety head and never let him go.  One thing I am realizing from this is that my support system ROCKS, which I already knew, but really and truly, my family is blessed beyond words. So please bear with me. My blogging mojo will return very soon. For now I'm going to celebrate the first day of my 30th year and kiss on my little fuzzy headed boy.

Have a great Wednesday ya'll!


  1. Happy Birthday, Sweetie! Enjoy your day and kiss those babies for Mimi! Love you, Mama

  2. Please don't start acting like an adult just because you're 30! That's something that can happen when we're actually, really old. (Which for some of us - me - will be way too soon!!!)

    Seriously, I hope you have an awesome birthday and the best year yet.
