Monday, May 30, 2011

I Have a Confession...

...I feel like a blogger bore lately.  I'm not sure what to write about and I really don't have much time to write anyways.  I really really miss blogging though.  I miss sharing my life with ya'll and just getting my thoughts out there.  So here is my new plan.  Blog.  Several times a week.  It will make me feel better (and lately it would be nice to feel good...I've been a little down).

First off, let's get caught up.  Summer is finally here! Can you feel it?  It's been SO hot around here.  We've been doing a little of this.

We let this girl play in the little pool or sprinkler at any given chance!  Who wouldn't want to hop in there with her?  Rylie is out of school for the summer and I'm on the hunt for some fun crafts for us to do.  Any suggestions?  No more school until August means tons of free time and we need to fill it up!~

Last week went to Atlanta for Rowan's post-op appointment with the neurosurgeon and it went great!  His doctor thought that he was NOT a candidate for a band or helmet and that the stitches looked amazing.  He wants us to see the plastic surgeon for a follow up in 4 months and back to see him in a year!  This boy truly amazes me.  He is SO sweet and smiley and loving.  He's such a little sunshine in our lives.

Lately everything has gone right in his mouth...ohm nohm.

Besides time with the kids and coffee/play dates with my girlfriends, I do have one other even looming on the horizon.  Without going into too much detail, I'm having minor surgery on Wednesday.  For about a year now we've known about a cyst on one of my ovaries.  We monitored it all throughout my pregnancy and decided not to take it out while pregnant but now, it needs to come out.  My doctor will take it out through laparoscopy first thing Wednesday morning.  If need be, they may take the whole ovary out (which is completely fine with me).  It's outpatient surgery and I should be home that afternoon but I will have 3 small incisions on my abdomen.  I've never had surgery and I'm a bit worried, but I keep reminding myself that my 2 babies have had 3 surgeries between them and so if THEY can do it, I can do it.  Just keep me in your prayers please?  I'm SO blessed to have my Mama, Aunt Pam, sisters and husband to help me out but I'm hoping for a super speedy recovery because I JUST got back into a routine at the gym (yep, I'll be there at 5:45am tomorrow).  

I hope ya'll are having a fantastic summer so far and I promise that the next blog post won't be as heavy. SO, any craft ideas for a 2 year old? I'd love suggestions.  Love ya'll!


  1. I know exactly what you mean about finding crafts. I am trying to do the same thing with my one-year-old. Not an easy challenge! I found this blog in my perusing:

    Looks pretty cool to me! Good luck!

  2. Found another one!

    It has a baby section, a toddler section, and a preschooler section.

    Just thought I'd share my findings!

